Moritz Rossner
Systasy; LMU Munich
I received a training in economics and molecular biology with corresponding degrees.
During my PhD at the Center of Moelcular Biology at the University of Heidelberg, I was able to clone novel genes and to generate and analyze corresponding mouse knockouts. Given my interests in technology development, I went after my first postdoc as a group leader to a small biotech company. At that time, we developed protocols to generated massive parallel seqencing data from brain samples, but soon realized that the Illumina technology was far better. In parallel, I developed and patented the so-called split TEV technology.
After a financing crisis in German biotech, I moved as a research group leader to the MPI of experimetal Medicine in Göttingen, where we went on to develop barcoded assays to screen for and to identify neuroactive compounds in cel based assays. To bring these tools to the market, we founded in 2013 Systasy, and since then I serve as the provisional CSO. The same year, my academic group moved to the Department of Psychiatry of the LMU Munich and I became a full professor for molecular and behavioral neurobiology. We are engaged in several academic-industrial partnerships to try to develop new therapies for mental disorders.