Young Investigator Panel Discussion


[icon type=”fa fa-picture-o”] Young Investigator Panel Discussion


In Neurizons, we would like to hear young voices as well. Participants of Neurizons (PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers) will have an opportunity to share their ideas with us through the Young Investigator Panel Discussion. This year’s topic is “Have we stopped our evolution?”. If you think you can make a serious case with scientific facts, we would like to hear your views. Argue them well and you will also have a chance to win a prize! We will select three participants based on a submitted abstract, who will give 10-minute long talk in the panel. The talks will be followed by an interactive 30 minute discussion between the speakers. Based on the performances, the Neurizons 18 audience will vote for the best speaker.

If you are curious and willing to participate, send us an email to: